Our Revels Now Are Ended

Performed by Amber Anderson

When I look back on the early days of the pandemic, what comes back to me in an awful, horrifying rush is the sense of isolation that we all felt. Human touch has a power that I think we had all forgotten, and that’s what this film highlights. It celebrates the shift, the moment when things started to open up and we were able to re-emerge and touch each other again. Reveling in reconnection. In the healing power of human touch. And in how it rounds out our lives, from beginning to end. For the short time we’re here, we seek out connection, over and over again. And to have that back again has been truly magical.
— Jack Jewers, Director

Hauntingly narrated by Amber Anderson, this film paints a chillingly beautiful portrait of the isolation of life during lockdown – and the feeling of liberation when it was over. “And our little life is rounded with a sleep…”


THE STRANGER'S CASE performed by Crystal Clarke


LOVERS AND MADMEN performed by Tom Baker