My Heart
Performed by Joanne Chew
Originating from ancient Mesopotamia, “My Heart Flutters Hastily” is a delightful reminder that those giddy, dizzy feelings you can get when you really like somebody are nothing new. Whether it’s in a world of dating apps and socially-distanced love, or from a time that feels unimaginably distant, people have been falling in love the same way forever.
“INVERSE started life in a world before anyone had ever heard the word ‘Covid’ and lockdown was something to do with home security. So when the world ground to a half in the spring of 2020, I had to find alternative ways of finishing the project. Working with Los Angeles-based actress Joanne Chew, I devised a method of directing over Zoom while she recorded the takes on her phone, as selfies. It was weird but fun. The result is the lightest of the five films, but also, I think, the sweetest.”